Saturday, September 8, 2012

Friends Forever

I remember, or at least I think I do, my best friend Carrie’s first birthday party. I’m three years older than she is so she may not remember this. She was sitting in her high chair staring at a cake. She was adorable and had big chubby cheeks you just wanted to pinch. (She still does, although they’re not chubby anymore!). Actually, a lot of my childhood memories involve her.  She is my soul mate. I don’t know how else to describe our friendship. It’s Just a way that two people are destined to be together forever kind of way.  I don’t know a lot about reincarnation but if it’s real I’m certain she and I have been friends forever and will be in the next life too. How lucky am I? 

My next memory of us is when her mom and my aunt lived together in this big ol’ Victorian house. I mean this house was HUGE. Carrie always had the coolest toys to play with. She had this awesome Big Wheel® and this motorized car like thing. This old house had all of these cool sidewalks and paths around it so she and I would ride these things all over the place eventually ending up in an old dilapidated chicken coop that was in the backyard. We’d put dirt in an old can and add water then proceed to “paint” the coop while singing “Jeremiah Was a Bullfrog” at the top of our lungs. I’m sure the neighbors thought we were adorable.  

Carrie and I always managed to have fun no matter what but we weren’t perfect angels by any stretch of the imagination.  One time, when I was spending the night with her in the big ol’ Victorian and Carrie had been a beast all day. What four year old can’t be, right? Anyway it was bath time. And best friends bathe together right? So her mom got the bath ready and we got in and started playing in the tub. 

She was doing something that annoyed me I’m sure so I got the bright idea to fill a Dixie cup with hot water and make her drink it. You know how when you’re a kid you can't think past the next minute? Well, I filled up the cup and the water was hot enough to melt the wax off and burn the crap out of my fingers. I handed it to her. She drank it. She only waited about two beats before she screamed bloody murder. 

I swear I didn’t think it would hurt her that bad. I think. Needless to say, she got to stay up and watch TV while I had to go straight to bed. I was more upset about not getting to watch TV. It wouldn’t be the last time I tortured that poor kid. I think that says a lot about what a vindictive asshole I can be.

That's all for now. More's to come! Later bitches.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Hmm. I see one person commented and it was removed? Did Some psycho post something inappropriate? Well as you would say...anywhoo
    Aww. Great memories. I don't remember the burning of my entire mouth so I guess it wasn't too bad. Or maybe I blocked it out. Lol. I do remember singing and painting that chicken coop. And of course I loved that big wheel! Made me smile remembering all the fun crazy stuff we used to do.
