Saturday, November 19, 2011

Saucy Saturday 11-19-2011

Deuces Li’l Ones

Sorry for delay. It’s been a long week. It was my first full week back to work.  I think I’ve got most of my wind back though. Getting stronger every day.

So, where were we?

Oh yes, I remember.  Justin Bieber’s maybe baby daddy drama appears to be over. Mariah Yeater, his accuser, has dropped her paternity case. Isn’t that interesting? Just in time for Justin’s new Christmas song (which by the way is number six on Billboard’s Top 200). Apparently Ms. Yeater’s claims could have been false. Nooooo, really? Supposedly there are some incriminating text messages that hint to an ex-boyfriend being the real baby daddy.  I wonder when she’s going to be on the Maury show.  She should just crawl back under the rock she crawled out from.  Rumor has it Justin is still going to take the paternity test and then sue this bitch when it show’s he’s not the father. Not sure what he’s going to sue her for. Her trailer?  Oh well, I for one am glad it’s over. Now Justin can get back to what he does best. You know, finding the cure for cancer, world peace. Shit like that.

Ashton and Demi are divorcing. Everybody say it with me…awwwwww.  Now I certainly don’t fault any woman for marrying a younger man. Men marry younger women all the time and no one cares about that. Turnabout is fair play I say. What I don’t understand is why people are so surprised that they’re divorcing. First of all, she’s a skeleton in Vera Wang and he’s a philandering douche who couldn’t act his way out of a paper bag.  Although Demi should be used to that (those are two off the reasons she and Bruce split except for that acting part; Bruce can act, sort of).  It has to be hard though, seeing all of your personal business all over the news, Internet and Twitter. And then there’s the stuff that the media writes too. What it boils down to is who cares? People are starving and Iraq has a nuclear program. We have bigger things to worry about than two spoiled no talent richies.  Don’t we? And by the way Demi, eat a sandwich…PLEASE

Twilight: Breaking Dawn Part something or other opened this week. Fuck me. When will this obsession end? I love a good vampire movie as much as the next guy but the films in this dynasty aren’t good movies. They’re not even remotely entertaining. I know I’m in the minority here. Supposedly if you’re over 40 you’re supposed to get moist at the thought of Edward, the world’s most annoying vampire. He’s so annoying that other vampires want to stake their selves.  And what of Bella you say? If I had a truck I’d run that bitch over. The only bright spot is Jacob played brilliantly by Taylor Lautner. Why brilliantly you say? Because he’s got a great body and his character hardly EVER wears a shirt or speaks.  Twihards can suck it. Watch a real movie about stuff that could really happen. You know, like Harry Potter or the Wizard of Oz. 

The investigation into the death of actress Natalie Wood, who drowned in 1981, has been reopened. Apparently a bunch of people are coming out of the woodwork (no pun intended) 30 years later. Thirty years later that happens to coincide with a book debut and a 48 Hours Mystery episode (airing tonight 11-19-11). Where the hell were these assholes when Ms. Wood died? The EMT who examined the actress’s body stated that “rigor mortis had not totally set in” and he was real shook up about that. Kiss my crack you jerk! Don’t you think this is something the coroner would have noticed? Folks, there is no conspiracy here. Robert Wagner did not kill his wife. Christopher Walken may have screwed her (that’s my opinion) but he didn’t kill her either. She slipped, bumped her head, fell in the water and drowned. It was tragic and pointless but what untimely death isn’t? Let this legendary woman rest in peace you blood sucking leeches.  Yeah, that’s right. I’m giving you the finger with both hands.

Well, Pakistan has a list of “obscene” words that have been banned in text messages. Words such as “monkey crotch”, “wuutang”, "intercourse", "condom", "breast", "period"  and “flatulence”.   The Pakistan Telecommunication Authority (PTA) banned over 1,100 English words as offensive or pornographic to cut down on SPAM.  In related news, US parents of adolescent boys under the age of 10 have seen a sharp increase in their text messaging bills.

The Occupy Wall Street folks took action on Thursday by clogging subway stations and trains saying they only wanted to talk to people about their cause. Yeah, that’s what New Yorkers want; some smelly weirdo talking to them on the train.  

And last but not least…

Charges against a transgender woman in FL were brought this week for practicing medicine without a license.  Apparently she injected cement, mineral oil, super glue and “Fix a Flat” into a patient’s hind end to give the lady a little more to hang on to.  Apparently the “doctor” enhanced her/his own self as well.  For more info go to  One of the Facebook posts about the article sums up not only the “doctor” but the so called victim(s) [there could be more than one]:  You can’t fix stupid.  Amen to that.

Later bitches.


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