Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Wacky Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Deuces Y'all

Joe Paterno is in a world of hurt right now. What did he do you ask? As far as I can see he actually didn’t do anything but have a brilliant career as a football coach. One of his protege however is an alleged child molester.  Nothing I’ve read or heard about this guy indicates he’s anything but admirable or that he knew anything about the alleged abuse so why is he the one in the news?  Why isn’t Sandusky (Jerry Sandusky is the alleged perv) in the news more? Sure, we’ve seen him handcuffed and thrown in the back of a police car but we’ve seen more coverage of Paterno. So why is this upsetting? Well, let’s say the guy in the cube next to yours, or the girl who runs the cash register next to yours gets accused of a crime. But hey you, at one time, said he/she was a good person to replace you so now you’re the bad guy. Yeah man, that’s fair.

So now it appears that one of Herman Cain’s accusers is a whiny bitch who wants what she wants so fuck you.  Karen Kraushaar settled her claim against Cain and then quit to take another job where she promptly filed allegations against the supervisors at her new job. Apparently she wanted to work from home (don’t we all) and they said no so she said they were treating her unfairly not to mention they were passing around a “sexually oriented” email. How much you want to guess the email was about how to use periods in email and she thought they were talking about menses?   

So this one time Russia sent a probe to Mars.  Problem is the $170 million probe is stuck in earth’s orbit.  Worse still it’s apparently full of toxic fuel.  Gee, I didn’t know Lance Bass finally raised the $10 million bucks.

A gigantic asteroid zipped by the Earth on Tuesday. It was a little over 200,000 miles from the big blue planet we call home. That’s closer than the moon folks but it did miss us so pfew.  Shouldn’t we be having a party or something? Oh yeah, we are.  The CMA’s are on tonight. The only thing better would be prime time NASCAR®.  Not.

Nothing says “I love you” like leaving your 74-year old mother in a vinyl recliner so long her skin fuses to it. The victim, Carol F. Brown, of Kansas City, Missouri was left in the chair to marinate in her own urine and feces. Only after she had an apparent stroke did help arrive. According to her son, who happens to be the one who left her in the chair, this is what she wanted.  But hey, he did bring her hot soup. I mean he’s not a complete asshole.  Mrs. Brown died and the Jackson County Prosecutors office hasn’t made any decision on whether to file charges.  Really?  Yup.

Later bitches

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